Au programme ce mardi, du bon et dans tous les styles mesdemoiselles !
Anvil |
Hard'n'Heavy (1981) |
Broken Bones |
FOAD/Bonecrusher (2000) |
Marty Friedman |
Dragon's Kiss (1988) |
Dragon Mistress |
Red Fang |
Red Fang (2009) |
Night Destroyer |
Revocation |
Chaos of Form (2011) |
Beloved Horrifier |
son of a 7th son (1988)
The Prophecy |
Angelus Apatrida |
Clockwork (2010) |
Of men and tyrants |
Meshuggah |
Koloss (2012) |
Do Not Look Down |
Mercyless |
Abject Offerings (1992) |
Selected Resurrection |
Aura Noir |
The Merciless (2004) |
Merciless |
Disincarnate |
Dream of the Carrion
Kind (1993) |
Stench of Paraise
Burning |
Immolation |
Dawn of Possession
(1991) |
Immolation |
Obituary |
World demise (1994) |
World demise |
Deströyer 666 |
Defiance (2009) |
Blood for Blood |
Gorguts |
The Erosion of Sanity
(2006) |
The Erosion of Sanity |
Massacre |
Condemned to the
Shadows (2012) |
Back from Beyond |
Severe Torture |
Sworn Vengeance (2007) |
Repeat Offender |
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